Gallaudet University

Sign Language App


After several years of dedicated work in R&D developing specific internal tools for Sign Language recording, MocapLab Paris are delighted to show the results of their collaborative work with Gallaudet University.


“My Three Animals” is an original ASL nursery rhyme produced through The Motion Light Lab at Gallaudet University and using MocapLab's sign language motion capture technology.

This project investigates the natural temporal patterning in ASL using mocap data and animation. Our goal is to create signing avatars without compromising the prosody and fluency in ASL storytelling.

English Translation

So! I live with three animals! One dog, one cat, and one bird!

Everyday, my dog barks at me;
Everyday, my cat stares at me;
Everyday, my bird sings to me.

Why? Oh! It's because they want food! They beg and I feed them!

On a Saturday, oh no! My dog barks, my cat stares, my bird sings, and they all three beg! I feed, feed, and feed!

But, I love my three animals!

So! I live with three animals! One dog, one cat, and one bird!

Actor: Benjamin Bahan